Classic Béchamel Sauce

Sauce making was one of those things in school that I found pretty challenging. It seems so simple, but the technique is hard to nail. You must have the ratios right and seasonings on point to end up with that velvety luscious sauce. Sauces are also based in classic French technique, resulting in 5 main sauces, which chefs know as ‘Mother Sauces’. From the 5 there are SO many different variations to explore. Béchamel , or white sauce, is a part of the ‘Mother Sauces’, and used in tons of delicious and creamy recipes! From the technique to the delicious end result, this is why sauce making has gone from difficult to one of my favorite things to cook.

Yield: 3 cups


  • 1½  cups milk

  • ½ cup heavy cream

  • 4 tbsp butter

  • 4 tbsp flour


  1. Start by melting the butter.

  2. Once the butter is melted, whisk the flour in.

  3. Cook this mixture for about 5 minutes at a medium heat. This is called roux. The roux should be pale blonde in color. (Pro Tip: Once the roux is cooked, put it in a shallow pan and cool it in the freezer.)

  4. While the roux is cooling, heat the milk and cream in the pot. Once the dairy is simmering, whisk in the roux.

  5. Whisk until the sauce is thick.

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Grace Goudie_ Béchamel Sauce 3 2021_Credit LX MGMT.jpg

Classic Tomato Sauce


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